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Testing locally with another project

In the cacao library path use npm link to add the project to the local npm registry.

cd ./route-to-library
npm link

In the project's folder that you want to use this library, use npm link cacao-css to install the package locally.

If you need to update the rets-client library do the following.

You should unlink the local project for any of these situations:

  • You are switching branches.
  • You are adding or removing node modules in this project. (This doesn't apply if you're adding or removing node modules in the project that uses this library.)
  • You want to use the live version of this package from NPM.

First, in the project that uses this library:

npm unlink cacao-css --no-save

The --no-save flag keeps the original live version of this package from NPM.

Then, in this package:

npm unlink