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Cacao CSS Development

The source CSS files are in the src directory and are organized in subdirectories based on their usage.

The files are built with npm run build to the dist directory. The build process does three things:

  1. Copies the CSS files that are directly in the src folder to the dist folder.
  2. Copy the CSS files in the directories to the dist folder.
  3. Create the breakpoint files for specified files in specific directories. For example, for the src/margin folder, this would create the breakpoint folders within dist/margin folder and wrap the original CSS from the src/margin folder with the correct media query.

Build the CSS files

Before deploying a new version you must build the CSS files. Run this:

npm run build

Developing Javascript files

There are some scripts that are used for the build process or for command-line functionality. While developing those scripts we want to use eslint.

You can manually run eslint on the files.

npm run eslint

Or, you can watch the files while you work, which is recommended.

npm run watch