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Converting from version 4 or 5 to version 6

If your website is currently running Cacao version 4 or 5 and you're upgrading to version 6 then there are some helper scripts that you can run on the command line to streamline the migration.


Do not run these scripts if the website is currently running Cacao version 3. See Migrating from version 3 for more information.

Some of the class names changed and the import paths changed. See the changelog for more information.

Run the following commands in the base directory of your project. Replace the file and directory paths if necessary.

cacao-convert-v6 breakpoints -d src/css
cacao-convert-v6 classes -d src/templates
cacao-convert-v6 imports -f src/css/main.css

Below is an explanation of each one.

Update the breakpoint media queries

The custom variables for the media query breakpoints changed. If your CSS is in src/css then you can run this:

cacao-convert-v6 breakpoints -d src/css

Update the CSS classes in template files

This will recursively crawl the root directory for your template files and update any Cacao version 4 or 5 classes to the correct version 6 class.

For example, if your templates are in src/templates you would run:

cacao-convert-v6 classes -d src/templates

Convert the file imports

This is intended to convert the imports for the Cacao files.

For example, if your source file is located at src/css/main.css then you'd run this:

cacao-convert-v6 imports -f src/css/main.css

You can then build your CSS with the new imports.

You'll also need to update the CSS classes in your template files.

Manual changes

There are a few manual changes that you'll need to do.

Gutter variables

If you're importing gutter classes then you'll need to add an import for the variables.css file.

/* Gutter variables. This must be imported, or you must override the variables in your own CSS. */
@import 'cacao-css/dist/gutter/variables.css';

Image variables

If you're importing image classes then you'll need to add an import for the variables.css file.

/* Image variables. This must be imported, or you must override the variables in your own CSS. */
@import 'cacao-css/dist/image/variables.css';

Margin variables

If you're importing margin classes then you'll need to add an import for the variables.css file.

/* Margin variables. This must be imported, or you must override the variables in your own CSS. */
@import 'cacao-css/dist/margin/variables.css';

Padding variables

If you're importing padding classes then you'll need to add an import for the variables.css file.

/* Padding variables. This must be imported, or you must override the variables in your own CSS. */
@import 'cacao-css/dist/padding/variables.css';